I really had high hopes for tonight’s season finale of Gossip Girl. Up until the writer’s strike, GG proved itself week after week to be smarter and sharper than all other shows aimed at teens. It was a speeding sports car weaving through characters and storylines with a confident expertise, and you were more than happy to be along for the ride. But recently the show has had its problems, and while tonight’s episode wasn’t necessarily bad, it lacked the intensity and excitement that I expected a Gossip Girl season finale to bring.
Gossip Girl Merely Whimpers
Desperate Housewives Takes Desperate Measures
Reality Wednesdays: ANTM and Top Chef are both awesome
Gossip Girl: Serena Does Not Understand the Definition of the Word "Kill"
Sometimes it sucks to be right. I was worried that “I killed someone” storyline would turn out to be something stupid, and yesterday’s episode was just that. Oh no, she gave an asshole drug addict who was trying to take advantage of her the line of coke (his own coke, by the way) that killed him. And then she called 911 and waited outside the hotel to see if he was okay. There wasn’t even any sex on the supposed-to-be sex tape! I thought Serena was supposed to be a real trainwreck before she went away (which she kind of was considering the fact that she fucked Nate), but she was pretty much a good girl during the entire incident that resulted in her leaving town.
The Office Returns to Form
After what many have considered to be a lackluster season of The Office (myself included), tonight’s episode stood out as a return to the series roots. The episode contained itself to realistic situations ripe for comedy and pathos, favoring subtlety over the over-the-top approach it has been taking more and more in recent episodes.
The entire job fair storyline was great, beginning with Michael saying that he won’t have to worry about any kids who intern at the warehouse going to college, Jan’s search for a single sheet of Dunder-Mifflin paper, and Michael’s speech about the awkward guy he originally scared off being like the pretty girl with glasses in a movie.
Jim’s golf outing was also hilarious, pretty much because of Ed Helms’s Andy. There are times when I find Andy to be more irritating than funny, but tonight I found his antics to be hilarious. The “shortcut” he took? I burst out laughing.
Dwight and Angela’s awkward relationship was also highlighted this week. The Office’s success has always relied on its characters, so despite the fact that their scenes together were often wordless and humorless, the pathos they provided was a welcome addition to an episode that already had its comedy covered in its A- and B-storylines. Jan’s scene in her old high school’s art room was also heartbreaking.
Overall, this episode was a great installment of this inconsistent season, and hopefully next week’s finale will stay on course. (Which it looks like it will be from the preview, but who knows).
Gossip Girl: The Secrets of the Van der Woodsens
Wow. Was anyone expecting last episode’s finale? Gossip Girl continues to prove that it has the chops to continually surprise and excite its viewers, although Serena’s secret actually has me a little worried. The reveal definitely elicited the correct response from my friends and I when we were watching the episode (we were freaking out), but how they’re going to handle the secret is something I really hope the show gets right. The subject just seems like it could easily miss the heightened reality awesomeness the show has going for it and veer into stupid and/or lame territory, but overall the show has been pretty great, so I’m keeping my hopes up.
Maybe I’m worried because the show seems to playing things a little too fast and loose lately. Georgina winning over Dan and Vanessa so quickly is definitely pushing the limits of my ability to suspend my disbelief;
The last thing that bothered me (which Jace over at Televisionary was also bothered by) was how quickly the Asher storyline was over. I feel like the storyline would have been far more effective if it was divided into two episodes, with the first one dealing with Jenny learning about Asher’s sexuality and ending with the two making their deal to use each other, and the second part being Asher’s outing and Jenny’s social destruction. Anyway, I’m a little disappointed the war between Blaire and Jenny is already over, although I have a feeling Jenny’s dalliances with popularity are far from over. She seemed pretty definite about swearing off social climbing after Monday’s episode, but what if at some point next season she accidentally finds herself in a situation where she starts to become popular again? Maybe she’ll start to date a guy who drags her back into that scene (maybe even Nate?), and once she gets a taste of that lifestyle again she might not be so quick to turn away from it.
But enough of the negative. I love that Nelly Yuki is now a part of Blaire’s clique. I also loved the scene where Blaire tries to get Dan to work with her to destroy Jenny and Asher. Their relationship of simultaneous mutual disgust and respect makes for amazing scenes, and Meester and Badgley have great chemistry in their scenes together. I found myself wanting Dan to ally with Blaire just so I could watch more scenes with the two of them, but of course Dan wouldn’t want to actively work to hurt his sister. And, just to talk even more about Blaire, I am so excited to see how Blaire and Georgina wage war with one another now that Serena crumpled under the pressure of attempting to withstand
Overall, despite the incidents I touched upon earlier, Monday’s episode was another great installment in the Gossip Girl series. This show is continuing to prove that it is a strong contender for the title of best new show of the season, as well as just generally being one of the best shows on TV right now.