
Ugh -- Unsurprisingly, The Emmys Suck

Friday Night Lights and Battlestar Galactica, shows that I consider to be some of the best on television (top three), were not given the recognition they deserve.

FNL received a nod for "Outstanding Casting," yet none of the actors/actresses on the show were nominated for anything. Connie Britton is absolutely incredible, and it is a damn shame she was overlooked for a second time. Mary McDonnel and Katte Sackhoff, both from BSG, more than deserve a nod for actress, yet their names are missing as well. The only person nominated for best actress in a drama series who deserves to be up there is Glenn Close (the rest are...I mean, come on, Holly Hunter for Saving Grace??).

BSG is nominated for best cinematography, oustanding single-camera picture editing, sound mixing, special visual effects, some really strange award that doesn't really have to do with the show, and outstanding writing for the episode "Six of One". Yes, the writing nod is a good one. The rest are great for the people who do the editing and whatnot, but they aren't the driving force behind what makes the show so great. BSG should really be up there for Best Drama Series. Not to mention (as happy as I am that BSG got a writing nod), Michael Angeli, the writer of "Six of One," has not exactly churned out the best episodes the past few seasons. Just ask Jacob over at TWoP.

Now that I've cried injustice over two of my favorite shows, I just want to comment on the shows that were nominated for Best Drama. What is up with Boston Legal and House being nominated for best drama? BL's strange Emmy love is a well-documented phenomon, but I've got to throw out my 2 cents concerning House. Every episode is the same. Seriously, it's a procedural. The writers might churn out some great disease-of-the-week episodes, but I strongly believe that shows that truly put character above all else, shows that use character to drive the story and do it successfuly, are the ones that deserve the title of Best Drama.

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